Sponsored Links

Rabu, 18 Oktober 2017

Sponsored Links

/*<languages />*/ var endorseInterfaceMessages = { "default":{ "title":"Endorse this project", "message-description":"Why do you support this project?", "placeholder-comment":"Click here to add your comment", "button-submit":"Endorse", "button-cancel":"Cancel", "message-feedback":"Thank you for adding your endorsement!", "section-header":"Endorsements", "message-signature":"Your signature will be automatically added to your comment.", "error-save":"There was an error, please try again", "error-login":"You are not logged in", }, "IEG":{ "title":"Endorse this proposal", "message-description":"Why do you support this proposal?", "placeholder-comment":"Click here to add your comment", "button-submit":"Endorse", "button-cancel":"Cancel", "message-feedback":"Thank you for adding your endorsement!", "section-header":"Endorsements", "message-signature":"Your signature will be automatically added to your comment.", "error-save":"There was an error, please try again", "error-login":"You are not logged in", }, "TPS":{ "title":"Endorse this proposal", "message-description":"Why do you support this proposal?", "placeholder-comment":"Click here to add your comment", "button-submit":"Endorse", "button-cancel":"Cancel", "message-feedback":"Thank you for adding your endorsement!", "section-header":"Endorsements", "message-signature":"Your signature will be automatically added to your comment.", "error-save":"There was an error, please try again", "error-login":"You are not logged in", }, "Learning_patterns":{ "title":"Endorse this pattern", "message-description":"Why do you support this pattern?", "placeholder-comment":"Click here to add your comment", "button-submit":"Endorse", "button-cancel":"Cancel", "message-feedback":"Thank you for adding your endorsement!", "section-header":"Endorsements", "message-signature":"Your signature will be automatically added to your comment.", "error-save":"There was an error, please try again", "error-login":"You are not logged in" }, "IdeaLab":{ "title":"Endorse this idea", "message-description":"Why do you support this idea?", "placeholder-comment":"Click here to add your comment", "button-submit":"Endorse", "button-cancel":"Cancel", "message-feedback":"Thank you for adding your endorsement!", "section-header":"Endorsements", "message-signature":"Your signature will be added to your comment.", "message-save":"There was an error, please try again", "error-login":"You are not logged in", } };

var joinInterfaceMessages = { "default":{ "title":" Join this project", "placeholder-role":" Please select a role", "placeholder-comment":" Click here to add your comment about how you'd like to participate", "button-join":" Join", "button-cancel":" Cancel", "error-save":" There was an error, please try again", "error-login":"You are not logged in", "message-signature":" Your signature will be automatically added to your comment.", "message-feedback":" Thank you for joining this project!", "message-description":"How would you like to help this project?", "roles":{ "researcher":" Researcher", "developer":" Developer", "volunteer":" Volunteer", "designer":" Designer", "advisor":" Advisor", "project_manager":" Project Manager", "community_organizer":" Community Organizer", }, }, "IdeaLab":{ "title":"Join this idea", "placeholder-role":"Please select a role", "placeholder-comment":"Click here to add your comment about how you'd like to participate", "button-join":"Join", "button-cancel":"Cancel", "error-save":"There was an error, please try again", "error-login":"You are not logged in", "message-signature":"Your signature will be automatically added to your comment.", "message-feedback":"Thank you for joining this idea!", "message-description":"How would you like to help this idea?", "roles":{ "researcher":"Researcher", "developer":"Developer", "volunteer":"Volunteer", "designer":"Designer", "advisor":"Advisor", "project_manager":"Project Manager", "community_organizer":"Community Organizer", }, }, "IEG":{ "title":" Join this project", "placeholder-role":" Please select a role", "placeholder-comment":" Click here to add your comment about how you'd like to participate", "button-join":" Join", "button-cancel":" Cancel", "error-save":" There was an error, please try again", "error-login":"You are not logged in", "message-signature":" Your signature will be automatically added to your comment.", "message-feedback":" Thank you for joining this project!", "message-description":"How would you like to help this project?", "roles":{ "grantee":" Grantee", "advisor":" Advisor", "project_manager":"Project Manager", "community_organizer":"Community Organizer", "researcher":"Researcher", "developer":"Developer", "designer":"Designer", "volunteer":" Volunteer", }, } };
